Cloud cake with pink biscuits from Reims

Cloud cake with pink biscuits from Reims

A soft biscuit and a red fruit mousse! A light dessert! 

Ingredients of the cloud cake with pink biscuits from Reims 6 people:

For the biscuit:

  • 250g of Pink Reims Biscuits

  • 130g of melted butter

  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar

For the red fruit mousse:

  • 16 cl of red fruit coulis

  • 2 sheets of gelatin

  • 3 of granulated sugar

  • 25cl of liquid cream with 30% fat content

Preparation of the biscuit

  • Crush the pink biscuits, mix the melted butter and the Reims pink biscuit powder with the vanilla sugar.
  • Place baking paper in the bottom of the mold. Using the back of a tablespoon, distribute the mixture by flattening it. 
  • Reserve in the refrigerator.  

Preparation of the red fruit mousse

  • Soften the gelatin in cold water.

  • Heat half of the broth and add the drained gelatin out of the water. Let it cool.

  • Then stir in the caster sugar.

  • Whip the cream into a stiff whipped cream and add all the coulis.

Assembly : 

Take the biscuit out of the refrigerator, spread the red fruit mousse and put film around it

Let it set in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours, then remove the film and sprinkle with pink cookie powder before serving

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